Thursday 13 November 2014

People talk to each other using different languages. Similarly, they write computer programs like games, calculators, text editors using different programming languages. Without programs, your
computer would be useless, and its screen would be always black. Computer parts are called hardware, and programs are known as software. The most popular computer languages are Visual Basic, C++, and Java. What makes the Java language different from many others?
First of all, the same Java program can run (work) on different computers like PC, Apple and others without changes. As a matter of fact, Java programs do not even know where they run, because they
run inside of a special software shell called Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If, for example, your Java program needs to print some messages, it asks JVM to do this, and JVM know how to deal with
your printer.
Second, Java makes it easy to translate your programs (screens, menus and messages) to different human languages. Third, Java allows you to create program elements (classes) that represent objects from the real world. For example, you can create a Java class called Car and set attributes of this class like doors, wheels, similarly to what the real cars have. After that, based on this class you can create another class, for example Ford, which will have all the features of the class Car plus something that only Fords have.
Fourth, Java is more powerful than many other languages. Fifth, Java is free! You can find everything for creating your Java programs on the Internet without paying a penny!



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