Thursday 4 December 2014

This book is written to make your journey into Adobe Illustrator flexible and self paced. Each chapter is as self contained as possible. You can hop in anywhere you want, with a minimum of flipping to other parts of the book to find out what you missed. If your goal is to find out more about the Pencil tool, for example, you can skip everything else and go directly to Chapter 8 without getting hopelessly lost. On the other hand, if you’re determined to find out as much about the program as possible, you can read the book from cover to cover. I organized the book so that the chapters move from simple to more complex concepts. The early chapters make a good base for understanding
the latter ones.
Use this book as both a reference book and an on-site trainer for Adobe Illustrator. To find out more about a specific feature, look for it in the index or the table of contents. To get a more in-depth feel for the feature, follow the step-by-step instructions that accompany the information on the major



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